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Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Third Edition, Michael (UCLA) ...

Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Third Edition, Michael (UCLA) ...

  • VerlagInc Cengage Learning
  • AutorMichael (UCLA) Dawson
  • Seiten464
  • EinbandTaschenbuch
  • ProduktartTaschenbuch
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • MarkeInc Cengage Learning
  • FormatTaschenbuch
  • Gewicht812g
  • Erscheinungsjahr2010
  • Artikelnr.284238564537
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Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Third EditionMichael (UCLA) Dawson Art Nr.: 1435455002 ISBN 13: 9781435455009 Release year: 2010 Published by: Inc Cengage Learning Edition: Taschenbuch Cover: Taschenbuch Cover Format: 231x189x32 mm Pages: 464 Weight: 983 g Language: Englisch Author: Michael (UCLA) Dawson Description If you are new to programming with Python and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. Developed by computer science instructors, books in the 'for the absolute beginner' series teach the principles of programming through simple game creation. You will acquire the skills that you need for practical Python programming applications and will learn how these skills can be put to use in real-world scenarios. Throughout the chapters, you will find code samples that illustrate concepts presented. At the end of each chapter, you will find a complete game that demonstrates the key ideas in the chapter, a summary of the chapter, and a set of challenges that tests your newfound knowledge. By the time you finish this book, you'll be well versed in Python and be able to apply the basic programming principles you've learned to the next programming language you tackle. Powered by INFORIUS

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Inc Cengage Learning, WW Norton & Co und Hempen Dr. Ute Verlag.

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