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Proceedings of the 24th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Stephanie W. ...

Proceedings of the 24th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference, Stephanie W. ...

  • VerlagHempen Dr. Ute Verlag
  • AutorStephanie W. Jamison
  • Seiten266
  • EinbandTaschenbuch
  • ProduktartTaschenbuch
  • Format238x169x20 mm
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • MarkeHempen Dr. Ute Verlag
  • Gewicht529g
  • Erscheinungsjahr2013
  • Artikelnr.284203970250
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Proceedings of the 24th Annual UCLA Indo-European ConferenceStephanie W. Jamison Art Nr.: 3944312082 ISBN 13: 9783944312088 Subtitle: October 26th and 27th, 2012 Release year: 2013 Published by: Hempen Dr. Ute Verlag Cover: Taschenbuch Cover Format: 238x169x20 mm Pages: 266 Weight: 529 g Language: Englisch Author: Stephanie W. Jamison Description Chiara Bozzone: Initial 'Yod¿ in Greek and the Etymology of Gk. pp ¿horse' Petra Goedegebuure: Hittite Noun Phrases in Focus Hans Henrich Hock: Come and Get It: The Indo-European Background of the Vedic éta ... stávama Construction Cynthia A. Johnson: Multiple Antecedent Agreement: A Comparative Study of Greek and Latin Joshua T. Katz: The Hymnic Long Alpha: sa e d and Related Incipits in Archaic Greek Poetry Daniel Kölligan: PIE \*seh1- ¿let loose, unharness', \*seh1 - ¿arrive' and Greek a, , Armenian hasanem John J. Lowe: Indo-European 'Transitive¿ Nouns and the Accusative of Experiencer H. Craig Melchert: Ablaut Patterns in the Hittite i-Conjugation Sarah Morris: From Kizzuwatna to Troy Pudu epa, Piyamaradu, and Anatolian Ritual in Homer Norbert Oettinger: Before Noah: Possible Relics of the Flood-Myth in Proto-Indo-Iranian and Earlier Alexander Piperski: Vowel Lengthening in Slavic Nominal Prefixes Thomas Steer: Some Remarks on the Derivation of Amphikinetic Collectives Yasuko Suzuki: Clitic Verbs in Early Germanic: Evidence from Old English Beowulf vi Contents Elizabeth Tucker: Old Persian asabara- ¿horse-borne', RV k irapaká- ¿cooked in milk', and the Restructuring of Vowel Quantities in Indo-Iranian Thematic Verbal Nouns Calvert Watkins: Aspects of the 'Expressive Dimension¿ in Indo-European: Toward a Comparative Grammar of Speech Registers Powered by INFORIUS

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