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Barbie - Hollywood Legends - Gone with the Wind - Scarlett OHara - 12997
Barbie - Hollywood Legends - Gone with the Wind - Scarlett OHara - 12997
Barbie - Hollywood Legends - Gone with the Wind - Scarlett OHara - 12997
Barbie - Hollywood Legends - Gone with the Wind - Scarlett OHara - 12997
Barbie - Hollywood Legends - Gone with the Wind - Scarlett OHara - 12997
Barbie - Hollywood Legends - Gone with the Wind - Scarlett OHara - 12997

Barbie - Hollywood Legends - Gone with the Wind - Scarlett OHara - 12997

  • CharakterBarbie
  • MarkeBarbie
  • ProduktartModepuppe
  • ZustandVerpackung Transportschäden, Inhalt 100% O.K
  • EAN074299129971
  • Artikelnr.334851032947
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