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Figure 90 mm superesicast Boxed Limited Edition The Farmer a very Super Sale

Figure 90 mm superesicast Boxed Limited Edition The Farmer a very Super Sale

  • ProduktartVollplastische Figur
  • Modifizierter ArtikelNein
  • Artikelnr.254924690015
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FIGURE 90 mm RESIN ! All pieces is present UNPAINTED & UMOUNTEDONLY THIS PIECE VERY OLD AND IN PERFECT CONDITIONS When will find it in commerce the price will be not less than 90 USD!!!SUPER PRICE AUCTION FOR VERY COLLECTORS SUPERAUCTION !!!!!!! SUPER PRICE SUPER CASTING NOW UNFINDABLE ONLY 1 PIECE IN AUCTION ATTENTION Absolutely SUPER SUPER SUPER !! SUPER SALE !!!! THE FARMER MATERIAL CONSTRUCTIVE RESIN Delivery is expensive because this is the postage cost but for more auctions I have very discount Please see the other auctions in Account MINIARTNAPOLEONYou can see the others scenery in resin kit and the others Figures in white metal. SENT IN ORIGINAL BOX THE MY PRICES IS VERY VERY GOOD AND FOR SALE !!!!COMING HERE TO SEE !!!!SEE MY OTHER SUPER AUCTIONS Thank you very much and remember..........always prices excellent and great business with very beautiful pieces!

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