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Greg - Odyssey (Original Amiga Demoscene Soundtrack) (Vinyl LP - 2023 - EU)

Greg - Odyssey (Original Amiga Demoscene Soundtrack) (Vinyl LP - 2023 - EU)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2023
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelWRWTFWW
  • Katalog-Nr.wrwtfww074
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • FormatLP
  • InterpretGreg
  • MusiktitelOdyssey (Original Amiga Demoscene Soundtrack)
  • EAN04251804139274
  • Artikelnr.395074508975
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WRWTFWW Records is thrilled to announce the first ever release of the soundtrack for the sci-fi Amiga demoscene wonder Odyssey by the Alcatraz group, with music from Greg - and what is possibly the first ever vinyl release for an Amiga demoscene soundtrack, if not the first ever vinyl release for a demoscene soundtrack whatsoever! The special limited edition vinyl features the complete soundtrack of the demo sourced from the original masters as well as printed innersleeves, a 24x24 inch double-sided poster with extensive liner notes on the fascinating history of the Amiga demoscene on one side and a floppy disk print on the other, and a WRWTFWW sticker sheet. Odyssey is also available in digital format.

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