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Victor Cavini - Japan (Vinyl LP - 1983 - EU - Reissue)

Victor Cavini - Japan (Vinyl LP - 1983 - EU - Reissue)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr1983
  • PressungReissue
  • MusiklabelBe With
  • Katalog-Nr.BEWITH076LP
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • FormatLP
  • InterpretVictor Cavini
  • MusiktitelJapan
  • EAN04251648414209
  • Artikelnr.395425146802
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The first Be With foray into the archives of revered German library institution Selected Sound is one of our favourites on the label - the super in-demand Japan from Victor Cavini, originally released in 1983. Rare and sought-after for many years now, this is one of those cult library LPs that never turn up. With Daibutsu the giant Buddha of Kamakura’s presence gracing the hefty front cover, this is a record bursting with dope samples for adventurous producers: it’s koto-funk madness! Victor Cavini was the library music pseudonym of prolific German composer and musician Gerhard Trede. He was known for exploring instruments and styles from around the world (he played over 50 different instruments himself) and Japan is his collection of 14 musical sketches painted with traditional Japanese wind and string instruments.

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