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Elizeth Cardoso Elza Soares - Eu Bebo Sim (Vinyl 7 - 2015 - UK - Original)

Elizeth Cardoso Elza Soares - Eu Bebo Sim (Vinyl 7 - 2015 - UK - Original)

  • PlattengrößeSingle (7 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2015
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelMr Bongo
  • Katalog-Nr.BRZ45.25
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Format7"
  • InterpretElizeth Cardoso / Elza Soares
  • MusiktitelEu Bebo Sim / Deixa A Nega Gingar
  • EAN00711969121452
  • Artikelnr.235170702670
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'Eu Bebo Sim' is a samba-rock master class from Elizeth Cardoso originally released on Copacabana in 1973, as featured on her Disco de Ouro in 1974. Another find at Tony’s Hits in Sao Paulo. She released around 40 albums during her career, most of which appeared under the name Elizete Cardoso. Elza, Queen of Samba, is one of the most prolific, successful and well-known Brazilian artists of all time. In 'Deixa A Nega Gingar' she delivers a top 10 Mr Bongo HQ favourite - Bossa nova underpinned with a Montuno-esque piano line, backed with percussion and horns that would rival Tito.

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