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Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains Indie (Vinyl 2LP - 2017 - EU - Original)
Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains Indie (Vinyl 2LP - 2017 - EU - Original)

Queens Of The Stone Age - Villains Indie (Vinyl 2LP - 2017 - EU - Original)

  • PlattengrößeLP (12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2017
  • PressungOriginal
  • LabelMatador
  • Katalog-Nr.Nicht zutreffend
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Artikelnr.393103876642
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Alternative Cover Artwork"The title Villains isn't a political statement. It has nothing to do with Trump or any of that shit. It's simply 1) a word that looks fantastic and 2) a comment on the three versions of every scenario: yours, mine and what actually happened. Everyone needs someone or something to rail against-their villain-same as it ever was. You can't control that. The only thing you can really control is when you let go." -Joshua Homme Seit ihrem letzten Album ist viel passiert. Nachdem die QOTSA über 100 Shows zu ".Like Clockwork" gespielt hatten, ging Josh Homme mit Iggy Pop ins Studio um dessen Album einzuspielen. Neben den Songs für das Iggy Pop-Album skizzierte er auch immer wieder neue Queens Of The Stone Age Songs. Ende 2016 ging Josh endlich wieder mit seiner eigenen Band ins Studio, um das siebte Album der Band aufzunehmen. Produziert wurde "Villains" von Mark Ronson (der Mark Ronson? Ja, der Mark Ronson), co-produziert von Mark Ranking und gemixt vom Soundmagier Alan Moulder. Josh schwebte bei den Aufnahmen nichts weniger vor als eine neue Definition ihres Sounds. "The most important aspect of making this record was redefining our sound, asking and answering the question 'what do we sound like now?' If you can't make a great first record, you should just stop-but if you can make a great record but you keep making records and your sound doesn't evolve, you become a parody of that original sound." Dabei wurde Mark Ronson zu dem fehlenden Puzzleteilchen, das das in sich geschlossene Ökosystem der Queens Of The Stone Age kreativ aufmischen sollte. Er selber beschreibt die Arbeit an "Villains" so:"Queens are and have always been my favorite rock n roll band ever since I walked into Tower on Sunset and bought Rated R in the summer of 2000, so it was incredibly surreal to be welcomed into their secret, pirate clan-or the 'jacuzzi' as Josh likes to call it. I also knew that my super fandom alone would not keep me in the jacuzzi. There were moments during the making of the album in which i was aware i was watching my musical heroes craft something that was sure to become one of my favorite moments on any Queens album. And to have some part in that felt like being in a dream--a very heavy, dark, wonderful dream."TracklisteA1 Feet Don't Fail MeA2 The Way You Used To DoA3 Domesticated AnimalsB1 FortressB2 Head Like A Haunted HouseB3 Un-Reborn AgainC1 HideawayC2 The Evil Has LandedC3 Villains Of Circumstance

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