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Steve Bug - Coconut Paradise EP (Vinyl 12 - 2015 - EU - Original)
Steve Bug - Coconut Paradise EP (Vinyl 12 - 2015 - EU - Original)
Steve Bug - Coconut Paradise EP (Vinyl 12 - 2015 - EU - Original)

Steve Bug - Coconut Paradise EP (Vinyl 12 - 2015 - EU - Original)

  • PlattengrößeMaxi (10, 12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2015
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelPoker Flat
  • Katalog-Nr.PFR161
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Format12"
  • InterpretSteve Bug
  • MusiktitelCoconut Paradise EP
  • EAN04250382430001
  • Artikelnr.395253295271
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The title track “Coconut Paradise” is a masterclass in crisp, high-definition house, as dubby synths, a solid kick and an insistent bass stab form a deeply hypnotic groove. Sustained tones surge in from the distance - all the elements coming together to create a perpetual motion machine. “Thick As Mud” lives up to its name: this is house music that draws on the deep and deadly palette and spacious arrangements of dubstep and glitch, burnished with snickering percussive repetitions and scything synths. “Pants on Fire” is a restlessly inventive bricolage of unconventional percussive sounds and textures. Metallic tones ping and bounce deliciously in every direction. One EP. Three outstanding tunes.

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