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Helloween - Skyfall Black Vinyl Edition (2021 - EU - Original)

Helloween - Skyfall Black Vinyl Edition (2021 - EU - Original)

  • PlattengrößeMaxi (10, 12 Inch)
  • Erscheinungsjahr2021
  • PressungOriginal
  • MusiklabelNuclear Blast
  • ProdukttypVinylschallplatte
  • Format12"
  • InterpretHelloween
  • MusiktitelSkyfall Black Vinyl Edition
  • EAN00727361575717
  • Artikelnr.355448592829
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Their first new album will be released in summer 2021. Flatten the runway with a loud drumbeat: in April 2021 the spectacular single Skyfall will be released. The 12 minute epos, written by Kai Hansen has the long yearned ‚Keeper-Vibe’ but it isn’t telling the story of the whole album. Skyfall has a musical arch which will be loved by fans of every era: from unforgettable times to glorious adventures all the way to the upcoming first album of the Helloween new age. The epic track tells about an alien landing on earth and a dramatic chase while Hansen, Kiske and Deris duel with each other in a breathtaking manner and create a broadband adventure - with a lyric sheet with colored blocks identifying the singers as well as a video that is formidable.

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