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Ernst Von Dohnanyi The Two 2 Piano Quintets Martin Roscoe Vanbrugh Quartet RAR

Ernst Von Dohnanyi The Two 2 Piano Quintets Martin Roscoe Vanbrugh Quartet RAR

  • FormatAlben
  • GenrePop
  • Sub-Genre2000 bis heute
  • Artikelnr.160669684937
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Ernst Von Dohnanyi : The Two Piano Quintets Martin Roscoe Vanbrugh Quartet ASV DIGITAL RECORDS CD 1995 Made in England MEGA RAR! Dohnanyi's Piano Quintet is a beautiful piece, very rich, very full and very romantic. Disappointingly, the Vanbrugh Quintet takes it way too fast. The rushing pace destroys the beauty of the romantic atmosphere-- it sounds too much like you're rushing to work! I especially do not like their interpretation of the dolce sections-- their speed spoil the beautiful melody. Tracks : Dohnányi: The 2 Piano Quintets: No. 1 in C minor, Op. 1 No. 2 in E flat minor, Op.26 Suite in old Style, Op. 24 I still find it hard to believe that more people have not heard of Dohnanyi. I checked this recording out of the nearby music library and the person behind the desk said of the 1st piano quintet "What a great piece--I've just played it in my own quintet. It has a very Brahms-ian flavor." When I listened to it, I learned that she was right in both respects. The first quintet was undoubtedly influenced very heavily by Brahms, but it does contain more than enough of Dohnanyi (who had a very capricious, and often simultaneously heavily romantic style) to never have us doubting that it isn't Brahms. The mixture is wonderful and fun, inspiring, and enjoyable to listen to. The second quintet is equally as great, if not better in terms of the fact that it is more purely Dohnanyi. It is a somewhat darker piece, still romantic, capricious, and beautiful, and perhaps more refined. Regardless, it is also very enjoyable to listen to. Although the quintets are obviously the focus of the CD, the Suite in the Old Style for solo piano provides a nice intermezzo between the two. As always, Roscoe plays Dohnanyi such that the fullness, romanticism, and playfulness of sound required really comes through. I highly recommend this recording, I don't see anyone being easily disappointed by it. Zustand : Neu -----------------KL----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Kontodaten sind bei ebay hinterlegt! ------------------------------- CD ! -------------------------------

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