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Georg Jensen Christmas Decorations Pine Cones, Palladium Plating

Georg Jensen Christmas Decorations Pine Cones, Palladium Plating

  • MarkeGeorg Jensen
  • ProduktartWeihnachtsdekorationen
  • EAN5713275039532
  • Artikelnr.235498673909
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This year's Christmas Collectibles include a gorgeous collection of motifs from the wintry nature of Monica Forster. The winter bird, the acorn, the aviary and the pine cone are wonderful symbols of the Christmas landscape. They are beautifully designed, combining delicate and ornate textures with a graphic and modern look. With their movement and depth, these beautiful ornaments bring life and nature to your Christmas decoration.In addition to the traditional red ribbon, the mobile also comes with a special dark green ribbon. Series: 2018 Article number: 10010389 Colour: Silver Material: brass with palladium support Dimensions: H: 65 mm. W: 51 mm. Ø: 17 mm.

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