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1.25 Digital Electronic Eyepiece Camera for Astrophotography USB Port
1.25 Digital Electronic Eyepiece Camera for Astrophotography USB Port
1.25 Digital Electronic Eyepiece Camera for Astrophotography USB Port
1.25 Digital Electronic Eyepiece Camera for Astrophotography USB Port
1.25 Digital Electronic Eyepiece Camera for Astrophotography USB Port
1.25 Digital Electronic Eyepiece Camera for Astrophotography USB Port

1.25 Digital Electronic Eyepiece Camera for Astrophotography USB Port

  • MarkeMarkenlos
  • ProduktartSee description
  • Artikelnr.404898023595
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An affordable introduction to the rewarding hobby of astrophotography. Great for lunar and planetary shots not suitable for deep space imaging. It has a resolution and fast transmission rate, it is nice-looking and easy to carry with you it just brings intimate and convenient life experience with your distant and families!

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