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Fotodiox Lens TLT TiltShift Adapter Pentax 6x7 P67PK67 Lens to Canon EOS Body
Fotodiox Lens TLT TiltShift Adapter Pentax 6x7 P67PK67 Lens to Canon EOS Body
Fotodiox Lens TLT TiltShift Adapter Pentax 6x7 P67PK67 Lens to Canon EOS Body
Fotodiox Lens TLT TiltShift Adapter Pentax 6x7 P67PK67 Lens to Canon EOS Body
Fotodiox Lens TLT TiltShift Adapter Pentax 6x7 P67PK67 Lens to Canon EOS Body
Fotodiox Lens TLT TiltShift Adapter Pentax 6x7 P67PK67 Lens to Canon EOS Body

Fotodiox Lens TLT TiltShift Adapter Pentax 6x7 P67PK67 Lens to Canon EOS Body

  • MarkeFotodiox
  • HerstellernummerP67-EOS-Pro-Shift
  • ObjektivanschlussPentax 6x7 (P67, PK67)
  • Passend fürKamera
  • AnschlussartCanon EOS
  • ProduktartObjektivadapter
  • Canon EOS (EF, EF-S) Mount SLR Cameras -Canon EOS (EF, EF-S) Mount SLR Cameras - Popular m
  • Artikelnr.274369293191
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The Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR adapters allow for a 10mm shift left and right as well as the ability to tilt 10 degrees one way for perspective correction. The shift functionality can be used to eliminate the convergence of vertical lines, know as keystoning, when photographing tall subjects such as buildings.

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