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Fotodiox Lens Mount Adapter Canon FD FL 35mm SLR lens to Leica M Camera Body
Fotodiox Lens Mount Adapter Canon FD FL 35mm SLR lens to Leica M Camera Body
Fotodiox Lens Mount Adapter Canon FD FL 35mm SLR lens to Leica M Camera Body
Fotodiox Lens Mount Adapter Canon FD FL 35mm SLR lens to Leica M Camera Body

Fotodiox Lens Mount Adapter Canon FD FL 35mm SLR lens to Leica M Camera Body

  • MarkeFotodiox
  • ProduktartObjektivadapter
  • Passend fürKamera
  • Für Kamera-/CamcorderanschlussLeica M
  • ObjektivanschlussCanon FD
  • HerstellernummerB00CYLLFO8
  • AnschlussartCanon FD
  • Artikelnr.274401959194
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Premium grade Fotodiox adapter. 24-Month Fotodiox Warranty. Manufacturer: Fotodiox Inc. Leica M3, M2, M1, M4, M5, CL, M6, MP, M7, M8, M9. Lens Mount: Canon FD & FL 35mm SLR lens.

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