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Geekworm Pure Copper Heatsink with Acrylic Plate for Raspberry Pi 4 H402
Geekworm Pure Copper Heatsink with Acrylic Plate for Raspberry Pi 4 H402
Geekworm Pure Copper Heatsink with Acrylic Plate for Raspberry Pi 4 H402
Geekworm Pure Copper Heatsink with Acrylic Plate for Raspberry Pi 4 H402
Geekworm Pure Copper Heatsink with Acrylic Plate for Raspberry Pi 4 H402
Geekworm Pure Copper Heatsink with Acrylic Plate for Raspberry Pi 4 H402

Geekworm Pure Copper Heatsink with Acrylic Plate for Raspberry Pi 4 H402

  • Package Dimensions LxWxH3.94x2.56x1.38 Inches
  • Weight0.2 Pounds
  • BrandGeekworm
  • Artikelnr.186450112470
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【Compatibility】Raspberry Pi 4 copper heatsink for Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 8GB / 4GB / 2GB / 1GB. 【Material】Pure copper material, heavy-duty copper heatsink, durable, long-lasting. Jedes Produkt, das Sie zurücksenden, muss sich in dem Zustand befinden.

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