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WaveShare IO Board with PoE (Type B) for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
WaveShare IO Board with PoE (Type B) for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
WaveShare IO Board with PoE (Type B) for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
WaveShare IO Board with PoE (Type B) for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4

WaveShare IO Board with PoE (Type B) for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4

  • MarkeWaveShare
  • Herstellernummer20157
  • EAN4060137071454
  • Artikelnr.284498561720
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Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO Board with PoE Feature (Type B), for all Variants of CM4.

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Hinweis: Die auf dieser Unterseite aufgelisteten Artikel sind keine B-Ware Artikel
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