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Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016, Sefika Sule Erçetin

Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016, Sefika Sule Erçetin

  • VerlagSpringer-Verlag Gmbh
  • AutorSefika Sule Erçetin
  • Seiten770
  • Gewicht1326
  • EinbandBuch
  • ProduktartBuch
  • Format241x160x47 mm
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • MarkeSpringer-Verlag Gmbh
  • Artikelnr.284199704510
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Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016Sefika Sule Eretin Art Nr.: 3319645528 ISBN 13: 9783319645520 Release year: 2018 Published by: Springer-Verlag Gmbh Cover: Buch Cover Format: 241x160x47 mm Pages: 770 Weight: 1326 g Language: Englisch Author: Sefika Sule Eretin Description This book covers the proceedings from the 2016 International Symposium on Chaos, Complexity and Leadership, and reflects current research results of chaos and complexity studies and their applications in various fields. Included are research papers in the fields of applied nonlinear methods, modeling of data and simulations, as well as theoretical achievements of chaos and complex systems. Also discussed are leadership and management applications of chaos and complexity theory. Powered by INFORIUS

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