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Nail Art Drill Bit Cleaning Brush Portable Cleaner Copper Brush Plastic Brush
Nail Art Drill Bit Cleaning Brush Portable Cleaner Copper Brush Plastic Brush
Nail Art Drill Bit Cleaning Brush Portable Cleaner Copper Brush Plastic Brush
Nail Art Drill Bit Cleaning Brush Portable Cleaner Copper Brush Plastic Brush
Nail Art Drill Bit Cleaning Brush Portable Cleaner Copper Brush Plastic Brush
Nail Art Drill Bit Cleaning Brush Portable Cleaner Copper Brush Plastic Brush

Nail Art Drill Bit Cleaning Brush Portable Cleaner Copper Brush Plastic Brush

  • ProduktartSee description
  • MarkeMarkenlos
  • Artikelnr.355595280318
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One side is soft brush, other side is copper wire brush, can easily clean the dirt that is difficult to clean;. Nail Art Tool for any professional manicurist or nail art beginner;.

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