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Long4Lashes FX5 Power Formula Eyelash Serum by Oceanic, 3 ml
Long4Lashes FX5 Power Formula Eyelash Serum by Oceanic, 3 ml
Long4Lashes FX5 Power Formula Eyelash Serum by Oceanic, 3 ml
Long4Lashes FX5 Power Formula Eyelash Serum by Oceanic, 3 ml
Long4Lashes FX5 Power Formula Eyelash Serum by Oceanic, 3 ml
Long4Lashes FX5 Power Formula Eyelash Serum by Oceanic, 3 ml

Long4Lashes FX5 Power Formula Eyelash Serum by Oceanic, 3 ml

  • MarkeMarkenlos
  • FormulierungSerum
  • ProduktartWimpernserum
  • Inhalt3ml
  • Artikelnr.355161647333
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Application: Apply the serum with a stroke of the eyelash brush to clean, dry skin on the lids above the upper lash line (after removing make-up). Do not apply inside the eye or on the lower lash line.

Auf dieser Seite findest Du Artikel der Marken Oceanic, Long4lashes, AA Cosmetics und Besuche den long4lashes-.

Hinweis: Die auf dieser Unterseite aufgelisteten Artikel sind keine B-Ware Artikel
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