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Rainbow GL-C6.3 , pods black with 2Mounting Screws for Tweeters Rainbow GL-T20
Rainbow GL-C6.3 , pods black with 2Mounting Screws for Tweeters Rainbow GL-T20
Rainbow GL-C6.3 , pods black with 2Mounting Screws for Tweeters Rainbow GL-T20
Rainbow GL-C6.3 , pods black with 2Mounting Screws for Tweeters Rainbow GL-T20
Rainbow GL-C6.3 , pods black with 2Mounting Screws for Tweeters Rainbow GL-T20
Rainbow GL-C6.3 , pods black with 2Mounting Screws for Tweeters Rainbow GL-T20

Rainbow GL-C6.3 , pods black with 2Mounting Screws for Tweeters Rainbow GL-T20

  • Modelrainbow
  • Country/Region of ManufactureGermany
  • TypeTweeter(s)
  • Brandvalicar-stuttgart
  • Artikelnr.274056515144
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Tweeters fastened with 2 screws to the pods. -ball joint set angle adjustable for Tweeters and Midrange Pods (Photo N4). -Pods sets for Midrange and Tweeters (Photos N 7,8,9). can fabricate pods for other Tweeters and Midrange.

Hinweis: Die auf dieser Unterseite aufgelisteten Artikel sind keine B-Ware Artikel
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