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Light Weight Nylon Paddle 3-blades Propellers with 2mm Shaft for Model
Light Weight Nylon Paddle 3-blades Propellers with 2mm Shaft for Model
Light Weight Nylon Paddle 3-blades Propellers with 2mm Shaft for Model
Light Weight Nylon Paddle 3-blades Propellers with 2mm Shaft for Model
Light Weight Nylon Paddle 3-blades Propellers with 2mm Shaft for Model
Light Weight Nylon Paddle 3-blades Propellers with 2mm Shaft for Model

Light Weight Nylon Paddle 3-blades Propellers with 2mm Shaft for Model

  • MarkeMarkenlos
  • Artikelnr.375345555657
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This pair of propellers is suitable for 2mm shaft. Easy to install and once installed, it is not easy to fall. Net Weight:3g. Specifications: Material:ABS,Nylon.

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