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Tragbar Airbrush Kabine Mini Absauganlage Spritzkabine Lackierkabine Sprühbox DE
Tragbar Airbrush Kabine Mini Absauganlage Spritzkabine Lackierkabine Sprühbox DE
Tragbar Airbrush Kabine Mini Absauganlage Spritzkabine Lackierkabine Sprühbox DE
Tragbar Airbrush Kabine Mini Absauganlage Spritzkabine Lackierkabine Sprühbox DE
Tragbar Airbrush Kabine Mini Absauganlage Spritzkabine Lackierkabine Sprühbox DE
Tragbar Airbrush Kabine Mini Absauganlage Spritzkabine Lackierkabine Sprühbox DE

Tragbar Airbrush Kabine Mini Absauganlage Spritzkabine Lackierkabine Sprühbox DE

  • Merkmal 1hohe Leistung, gute Stabilität, einfache Bedienung
  • Material 1hohe Qualität,Stabile Eigenschaft
  • MarkeMarkenlos
  • Fan Power25W
  • Air Flow3m³ / Minute
  • Noise47 db (lower than other spray booths)
  • Unfolded Size16-1/2" L x 6" W x 9-1/2" H
  • Folded Size16-1/2" L x 6" W x 9-1/2" H
  • Fiberglass Filter Size16" L x 7-1/4" W x 7/8" T
  • Turn Table Size7-5/8" diameter
  • Wire Size75" L
  • Net weight5.3KG
  • Artikelnr.135003174645
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Profi Airbrush Kabine Mini Absauganlage Spritzkabine Lackierkabine Sprühbox DE Feature:   Unfold to set up a smart airbrush studio and fold to become a carrying case like the transformers. Durable revolvable Turn Table for you to spray the objects all around conveniently, no need to move the objects directly with your hands. Two removable Fiberglass Filter Sponges and the Fan help to remove larger particles and fog effectively. You can use two filter sponges at the same time for general spraying or just use one of them if there are much more fog. The removable thick white filter sponge is preassembled in the spray booth, and the thin blue filter sponge for free use. The thinner sponge makes less resistance and has stronger suction for fog. Save space with the retractable electri.

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